Discovering that which is deepest within you.
Do you long to experience all of life as spiritual? Are you desiring a deeply integrated life where you see the Divine in the daily? Join teacher, pastor and spiritual guide, Matt Krick for a one year experience beginning in September 2021, to enter more deeply into the journey of transformation. This experience will include a small cohort of people who will meet as a group via Zoom every other month and Matt will meet one on one with each participant monthly for a spiritual direction session. We will read a couple of books together to help shape a spiritual practice based experience for the year. The Heart and Soul of Transformation will be a deeply formative opportunity for the spiritual development of each participant as we look to be formed more and more in the way of Jesus. This will be an experience where God’s Spirit will bring about greater transformation in our lives for the good of the world.
Click "Read More" below to see a draft schedule for the experience.
Register by emailing Matt
Discovering that which is deepest within you.